The Fruit Gang!

Hard Boiled Candy

We produce a huge variety of hard-boiled candy to suit every taste and occasion. Conventional, sweet or sour, fruity or masala-filled. You name it, we make it. Explore our product page for more information.

Soft Boiled Candy

The latest addition to our product mix is soft-boiled candy Eclairs. This traditional recipe goes back over a century during which time it has been developed to perfection. The result is a gloriously balanced smooth bite of chocolate with an incomparable melt-in-the-mouth experience. Its a classic choice among all age groups!


We call it a fruity attraction, our lollipops are rich in both aroma and taste. The perfect blend of flavor and texture makes every lick of lollipop a mindful experience. Currently available in Cola and Litchi flavor.

Keep On Sucking With Rumani Candy